F. Pacaña Street, Barangay Tisa Cebu City, Cebu PH 6000 (032) 340 - 8813 almichmarketing@gmail.com

PREPRUFE® 300R Plus & 160R Plus


Pre-applied waterproofing membranes that bond integrally to poured concrete for use below slabs or behind basement walls on confined sites

PREPRUFE® 300R Plus & 160R Plus membranes are unique composite sheets comprised of a thick HDPE film, pressure sensitive adhesive and weather resistant protective coating. Designed with Advanced Bond Technology™ and a dual adhesive ZipLap™, PREPRUFE® Plus membranes form a unique, integral bond to poured concrete, preventing both the ingress and lateral migration of water while providing a robust barrier to water, moisture and gas.

Release liner free and designed for efficient, reliable installation, the PREPRUFE® Plus ZipLap™ allows for an adhesive to adhesive bond at seam overlaps and delivers superior performance in harsh conditions without the need for specialized equipment, heat or power.

The PREPRUFE® Plus System includes:

  • PREPRUFE® 300R Plus — heavy-duty grade for use below slabs and on rafts (i.e. mud slabs). Designed to accept the placing of heavy reinforcement using conventional concrete spacers
  • PREPRUFE® 160R Plus — thinner grade for blindside, zero property line applications against soil retention systems. Vertical use only
  • PREPRUFE® Tape LT — for covering cut edges, roll ends, penetrations and detailing (temperatures between 25°F (-4°C) and 86°F (+30°C))
  • PREPRUFE® Tape HC — for covering cut edges, roll ends, penetrations and detailing (minimum 50°F (10°C))
  • PREPRUFE® CJ Tape LT — for construction joints, and detailing (temperatures between 25°F (-4°C) and 86°F (+30°C))
  • PREPRUFE® CJ Tape HC — for construction joints, and detailing (minimum 50°F (10°C))
  • BITUTHENE® Liquid Membrane — for sealing around penetrations, etc.
  • ADCOR® ES — waterstop for joints in concrete walls and floors
  • PREPRUFE® Tieback Covers — preformed cover for soil retention wall tieback heads
  • PREPRUFE® Preformed Corners — preformed inside and outside corners

PREPRUFE® 300R Plus & 160R Plus membranes are applied either horizontally to smooth prepared concrete, carton forms or well rolled and compacted earth or crushed stone substrate; or vertically to permanent formwork or adjoining structures. Concrete is then cast directly against the adhesive side of the membranes. The specially developed PREPRUFE® adhesive layers work together to form a continuous and integral seal to the structure.

PREPRUFE® can be returned up the inside face of slab formwork but is not recommended for conventional twin-sided formwork on walls, etc. Use BITUTHENE® self-adhesive membrane or PROCOR® fluid-applied membrane to walls after removal of formwork for a fully bonded system to all structural surfaces.


  • Forms a unique continuous adhesive bond to concrete poured against it – prevents water migration and makes it unaffected by ground settlement beneath slabs
  • Fully-adhered adhesive to adhesive watertight ZipLaps™ and easy to execute detailing
  • Provides a barrier to water, moisture and gas – physically isolates the structure from the surrounding ground
  • Easy roll/kick out installation – reduces installation time and cost
  • Release liner free – expedites installation and reduces construction site waste
  • Solar reflective – reduced temperature gain
  • Simple and quick to install – requiring no priming or fillets
  • Can be applied to permanent formwork – allows maximum use of confined sites
  • Self protecting – can be trafficked immediately after application and ready for immediate placing of reinforcement
  • Unaffected by wet conditions – cannot activate prematurely
  • Inherently waterproof, non-reactive system:
    1. Not reliant on confining pressures or hydration
    2. Unaffected by freeze/thaw, wet/dry cycling
  • Chemical resistant – effective in most types of soils and waters, protects structure from salt or sulphate attack